Monday, July 1, 2013

I'm going on an adventure!

Everyone has that one friend who enjoys jumping out of planes or dreams of rafting down the Amazon, and let’s be honest: we think they’re a little crazy (unless you are that person, in which case you’re totally normal...). For those people, ‘adventurous’ is one of the first adjectives that comes to mind.

You might think I’m an adventurous person, given that I moved to a foreign country without having visited or knowing the language prior, but you’d be wrong. I have no interest in jumping out of planes. If I’m in 2 feet of water I’m in constant fear of a shark attack. I get nauseous even thinking about bungee jumping. Suffice to say, adventure is not my middle name.

That said, I don’t know if it’s the air in Korea, or if I’m just embracing a new “why the hell not” attitude, but I’m finding myself drawn more and more to extreme sports. About a month ago, I strapped myself to another human being, who was strapped to a parachute, and ran straight off a mountain.
Paragliding in Cheong-do. Lucky it was beautiful weather!
I almost look like I know what I'm doing!

So that was a thing.

A couple of weeks after that, I rode down Asia’s longest and fastest zipline, with nothing separating me from a 700m drop except the seemingly flimsy harness.

That's me on the far left. You can't hear, but I was screaming my head off. Good times.

Maybe Korea is changing me. I find myself caring less what people think, whether they're judging me, or even looking at me funny. Somehow that's also having an effect in making me wear makeup more often (but that's for another post).

Regardless of why/how it's happening, I like it. I like being more confident and excited about new things. Does this mean I'll try shark diving in Busan? Hell no. But maybe I'll manage to stay in the same room?

Baby steps.


PS: Here is some video I shot while I was paragliding. Please ignore the odd noises I make...

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