Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Group trips: yay or nay? Guest Post #2

They say “A journey is best measured in friends, not in miles.” (Tim Cahill) but what happens when you combine the two? My friends and I have just started our second year in the EPIK program and have decided to start planning trips around Korea independently. See, last year we had always participated in events organized by the many foreign-teacher focused tour groups in Korea. These groups usually create an event focused around a special event or seasonal activity. For example, some of the trips that they plan are: skydiving, Buddha’s birthday weekend, Mudfest, ATV riding/paintball, and when the weather gets cold, they even have a ski trip planned. The best part is you simply pay their fee (usually around $200) and show up at the planned location! Now you’re probably wondering, “If the opportunities are so abundant and convenient, why would you want to plan your own trip?” Well, as Kevin Hart would say- let me explain. These organized trips are great for someone who wouldn’t know Sokcho from Gumi, however, they have a few drawbacks.
1.     Price/Accommodation: So, you’re telling me for 150,000 won, I get transportation to and from the event, lodging, and even some meals? I’ll take it! How can you afford to offer this deal? Oh…it’s 7 people to room? I see. One of the things they don’t tell you about these trips is that for the money you’re spending, you’ll be sanctioned off in a back woods part of town, in a motel/hotel that has agreed to handle foreigners, with little amenities and several other people. Usually these places are manageable and clean, however, you won’t be getting much sleep in one because…

2.     Everyone on the trip is drunk and loud. I can’t tell you how many beers are consumed on these voyages, all I know is it’s hard to spot a foreigner without one. From the moment we set sail (usually at 8 am) the stench of alcohol fills the air as most people drink on the bus to pass the time. When you crunch the numbers, it means that people are drinking for 5-8 hours straight before we even get to the event site. The organizers usually endorse the “party bus” atmosphere with loud music and karaoke. After the event is completed (zip lining, ATV riding, hang gliding) the drinking resumes with a fervor well into the night. If you have the misfortune of rooming with some party goers, you can assume that you’ll have a hard time getting rest over the weekend. This gets agitating when…

3.     You aren’t eating well. My advice for someone joining one of these trips is to eat a big, healthy breakfast before getting on the bus. It’s probably the last real meal you’ll have during the weekend. During the long bus rides (5+ hours) there will come a time when you are ready for some food. Unfortunately, keeping time is a priority, so you have to grab something easy from the rest stops we go to. Usually we are given about ten minutes to use the restroom and buy a snack from the market. Basically, your lunch is going to be some sort of chip, roll of unidentifiable meat, or cookie. Maybe all three! Things don’t look better once we arrive at the event site. I remember one trip where there was only a 7-Eleven within walking distance from our hotel. During the night when you get hungry, delivery is going to be your only option. Now you’re tired, hungry, and ready for the awesome event you signed up for! Which is unfortunate because…

4.    The events are never what you think they are. “Come zip line over the cool waters of such and such beach, Korea’s Hawaii-esque island! After a day in the sun we’ll relax with a beach side barbeque” Except, now, because of some unforeseen events, the zip line is broken, it’s raining, and the barbeque turned into some measly chips and a sandwich (maybe). If every trip delivered on the awesomeness promised in the event descriptions, I would have no problem signing up for them. I can handle a lack of sleep and proper food if it means I’ll be enjoying some unbelievable experience. Unfortunately it’s a rare occurrence to have all expectations met on these tour packaged trips. Even something as simple as a day at the beach turned into cold winds and rain last year.

With the difficulties encountered during these pre-planned, inclusive trips, it makes sense that we would try and create our own experiences our last year in Korea. We have the resources to make decisions and know the layout of the country much better than before. Despite differing opinions, and weeks spent coming to a consensus, I can confidently say that trying to plan a destination with your good friends in Korea is a journey that everyone should take.

Imani is an elementary ESL teacher here in Daegu. She enjoys Korean food, attractive Korean men, and making me look bad because she always looks put together whereas I just rolled out of bed 10 minutes prior. You can stalk her at

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