Monday, February 24, 2014

2014 update

It's been a crazy month, with vacations and moving and friends leaving and my students graduating. When everything happens within a span of a couple of weeks, it becomes difficult to keep up. Add a nasty cold on top and you've got my February. Yay.

Many teachers have chosen to limit their time in Korea to only one year. As a result, this means a lot of close friends are headed back on planes to the motherland (wherever that may be). Trying to articulate how important someone can become to you in such a short period of time is a strange endeavor.

It feels strange to say that these people have become my family, but there you have it. When you're thrust into a new situation with virtually no support group, you bond quickly with the friends that you're able to grab a hold of. Sometimes the people you grab onto are people you'd have befriended under different circumstances, and sometimes they aren't. Examining my friend groups here, it's interesting to note that I probably wouldn't have had any cause to become friends with a lot of people here. We don't have a lot in common, we approach problems in different ways, and are looking for different things out of our time here. And yet, these are some of the closest friendships that I've developed. You can learn so much from someone else's perspective, and it's important to always remember that when jumping headfirst into something new.

We're all reaching for each other. The real question is, when the need for mutual support is gone, will the friendships last?

I hope so.

나는 내 친구를 당신을 그리워합니다

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