Tuesday, October 22, 2013

That is the question

As a quick break between lengthy travel posts, I decided to write up a quick somethin somethin about my decision making process for the future. Namely: to renew or not to renew.

I am a very logical person. I enjoy making lists, pros and cons, the occasional bar graph, and I ask nearly everyone for their opinion. Today I'm going to walk you through my train of thought.

Reasons to stay:
1) My coteachers are fantastic. I have heard horror stories about coteachers here, but I got incredibly lucky. Even teachers that I only see in the hallways or at lunch are friendly. While I don't go party or meet up with them often outside of school, they're always helpful with any questions I have. Heck, Mijin helped me make shorts! They're my friends, and I'll miss them when I eventually leave Sawol.

2) My students are very high level. This means that I don't have to worry about things going over their heads, and I can explain things more quickly. These kids are crazy smart and pick up ideas and vocabulary so quickly. I've already noticed a difference in the confidence of my fourth graders, who will now approach me in the hallways to say hi, whereas before they crouched/ducked/ran away in fear of an English interaction. That or they just hated me.... Let's be positive, shall we?

3) Mostly good location. I live in a quiet, beautiful neighborhood. Instead of the downtown-ish, tall buildings with small alleyways kind of area, I get a wealthy residential neighborhood with lots of coffee shops, bakeries, and am only a 15 minute walk from bars and restaurants. I have 4 friends that live on my street, and several others a very short distance away (which is unheard of for a lot of teachers).

4) My apartment is huge. Most of you have seen the photos of my apartment, and you can see why I'd be crazy to leave it. I have two rooms and a relatively spacious kitchen, instead of the cramped one room + kitchen that other teachers were 'gifted' with. Not only the size of the place, but my landlady is adorable and brings me things all the time. Water, grapes, kimbap, anything she's got. Doesn't speak more than 2 words of English, but we work it out. Lots of 'ok's are exchanged... Although the internet was just changed to her name, which means I don't pay for it, but it's slow as molasses. We're gonna have to have a talk soon.

5) Moneyyyyy. That's right, I added extra y's to that word. You know why? Because I am making a good amount by living here, at least more than I could reasonably expect at home with my resume. Granted, much of it is going to travel, but that's what I'd be saving it for back home too. If/when I renew, I get a month's extra salary as a renewal bonus, another 100$ per month, and an extra week of vacation, just to sweeten the deal.

Reasons to leave:
1) Family and friends. The obvious answer, of course. I speak to my family (most of them...) more than I did when I was living in the US, but kakao and Skype don't exactly equal a hug

2) Career goals? I'm still figuring out what the heck I'm doing with my life in the long-term scope. Right now I'm happy where I am, but how long can I reasonably expect to stay here? Genetic counseling was always the plan career-wise, and it's something I still love and think about often. Every additional year I stay in Korea is another year that path is postponed. But at the same time, maybe more career opportunities related to my work here will present themselves if given more time (university jobs, high paying private schools, private tutoring, etc). Anyone that wants to tell me what to do, feel free to chime in...

3) Creature comforts. Goddamn do I miss my dryer. And oven. And Firehouse subs (which I dream about regularly). And pedicures. And cats. And Reeses. The list goes on.

That's where I'm at right now. Decision-making that will affect my life makes me want to pull my hair out. To my friends who I've been ignoring the past few weeks/months, this is why. I get the paperwork for my renewal in the next week or two, so the decision is looming. Any and all advice is welcome and will be rewarded with virtual hugs. Even you strangers in Germany and Russia, feel free to say hi! I enjoy new perspectives.

Now I'm gonna take a nap.


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