Saturday, August 31, 2013

Quick Update

To be fair, I did warn you ahead of time: I easily get distracted. It has been over a month since my last update, but that means that I've been working to bring interesting posts to you. Small teaser for upcoming topics:

Jeju Island
Japanese cooking class (step by step instructions with pictures!)
Renewal decision-making
Cat-dog cafe

I'm about half done with each of these, but when I re-read them, I realize it's quite a bit of me rambling. And no one wants that, right?

To hold you over until something more interesting is finished, here's a real quick 'bullet points' entry.

  •  School has started again, and while I'm desperately missing the freedom of vacation, it is nice to see my coteachers and students. I find that many of them (students, at least) are more motivated now than they were last semester. One of my fifth graders, a lower level student who often turns his frustrations into class-wide disruptions, went through the lesson entirely in English, even continuing his partner work when I wasn't standing directly near them (in most classes, it's interesting to note that English is only spoken when I'm within 3 feet. As soon as I pass out of that radius, most of my kids go back to Korean). I was so proud of him, and told him so after class. Little scamp blushed bright red and walk/bowed backwards out of the room. How I felt.
  •  Caroline brought my skates with her when she visited, and I've only just now gotten to use them. First time skating in 7 months is not kind on my muscles... But I've worked it into my schedule to skate at least twice a week, once with the Daegu derby team on Saturday practices. Updates to come on how that progresses.
  • I'm doing yoga 3x a week now. The teacher is phenomenal, and even though the class is entirely in Korean, she makes it very easy to follow along. Yay flexibility!
  • One of my 6th grade students painted my nails
She was bored, I was bored.
....still don't know her name.
  • I fell down the stairs last week. Not fun.

  • I've decided to start including gifs in these posts. They're fun. Source is unless stated otherwise.

Stay tuned!


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