Thursday, November 13, 2014

Day in the Life

My schedule is different every day, but here's a layout of Tuesday, my busiest day

7:15     Wake up, shower, get dressed

8:05   Leave for school

8:15    Get to school, start a kettle of tea, switch to slippers, review lesson plans for the day

I've never been particularly tidy

8:50   Walk upstairs to the classroom. Gather materials, write on the board, clean desks

9-12   4 Morning classes

12:10  Go to cafeteria for lunch

Clockwise starting at 12: Radish Kimchi, red bean doughnut, persimmon jelly thing,
Korean curry and rice, fruit and rice cake in yogurt. Today was a good day.

Food waste gets dumped here
Separate chopsticks and spoons
Empty trays go here
Water station. There's no drinks with lunch, only after or before

12:30  Go back to office, review afternoon lessons (or watch YouTube videos...)

1:30-4:20   Afterschool classes (3 classes of grades 1 and 2 students)

Learning emotions
Seven dwarfs are a good practice for emotions. Plus the kids love Dopey :)

4:35   Leave for gym, workout
Seriously, no one wants to see that
6:00  Leave for home

6:10  Make and eat dinner

7-10  Either watch Netflix, review lesson plans, or do teaching homework
(in case anyone is curious as to what kind of assignments we do, I talk about it on my teaching blog)

10:00  Online certification class

11:00 Review the week's homework for certification class, make a schedule for the week

11:30  Go to bed